"The Parish Church of the Village of Fawsley"

A Simple Communion In The Village Church Services

A warm welcome to St Mary's Fawsley. Please explore this website and find out more about us and our mission. We normally have one service a month on the second Sunday. In months which have 5 Sundays we often have an additional service on the 5th Sunday.

This Lent and Easter we will be having a Stations of the Cross Service at 10:00am on Good Friday (18th April) and a Service of Easter Communion on Easter Day at  11:00am which will be lead by Canon Steve Benoy.

There will also be several other Services within the Benefice in April (see below) including a United Benefice Service at Newnham at 10:00am on Palm Sunday (13th April) which will be taken by Rev Ann Slater.

Click here to see this month's Benefice magazine - "The Link". This magazine provides a list of services during the month in each church in the Benefice as well as details of upcoming events in each village.


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